Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Start

As sheets of rain pour down outside my window, I sit enveloped in the comfort of my blanket typing away furiously. The day's task has been editing this blog. Slaving over my computer, spending hours trying to figure out html codes on my own seemed like the hardest part, but on the contrary it was not. The most difficult challenge I encountered when creating this blog, was naming it. Seems like a simple task right? Just think of a cute, fancy, direct title and voila. But, thinking of a name for my blog felt like labeling myself, my thoughts, and my writing. The idea seemed daunting. How could I stick one title for all the different aspects of my life? Then, I thought of what my brother tells me every time he creates a new character on an RPG, "Naming my character is so hard." At the time, it seemed like a silly idea to me, just pick a name. So when I asked him why it was difficult, his response was easy: the name has to stand for, and embody so many things. I realized I was having the same exact problem with picking a name for my blog.
As the thunder's ferocious pounds continued, I pondered over what to title my blog. And then, it hit me...

Simply Fearless.

Why Fearless? Some might say it's because of my obsession with Taylor Swift. That's slightly true, but not entirely. 

It's the middle of Summer for me, the new school semester is almost right around the corner. Since the Summer began, I've had a lot of soul searching. Faced with some life changing events I never thought I would encounter so soon, life punched me in the face. With a searing pain I found myself thinking: Who am I? What do I want? What have I accomplished? As I prep myself to leave my teenage years behind in four months, I have been contemplating these questions more, and more, and more. But the more I think about it, the farther I come to reaching any possible answer. The truth is, I don't know who I am, or what I want. However, what I do know, is that fear drove itself into my life. The overwhelming amount of fear led me to doubt everything and I found myself in a very bad place where I wasn't happy. After gallons of tears escaped through my eyes, I finally woke up. If there is one thing I have learned during the Summer is that life and time IS precious. Though I've heard the expression plenty times before, I never really understood the gravity of it until a couple weeks ago. Like Sylvia Plath once said "I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again," I can't hide behind my fears, I can't close my eyes and let myself be afraid. I must confront my fears, and though it may be a struggle the journey is definitely worth it because that is what living is. Every obstacle overcome, one step at a time, allows me to conquer and live fearlessly. I don't want to end up like for Sisyphus, struggling to push his rock to the top of the mountain and never reaching it, simply watching it roll back down to the bottom. Instead, I want to hurl my  rock, my burdens to the top of that mountain and stand proud, happy, and fearless.

So welcome to Simply Fearless :)

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